Gepato-gastroenterologik tadqiqotlar jurnali 2023 №2

Maqola mavzusi



Garifulina L.M., Kholmuradova Z. E., Qodirova Sh. S.


Samarkand State Medical University


According to statistics, the number of obese children is steadily increasing every year. In this regard, attention to the problem of the metabolic syndrome should be paid already at the initial stages of its formation, from early childhood, in order to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases in the future. In childhood, the syndromes that are components of the metabolic syndrome form gradually and are often asymptomatic. Obesity is one of the first to develop, arterial hypertension joins at the age of 10 years, and impaired glucose tolerance in the puberty period. Dyslipidemia can occur at any age, including only in adults. In children with metabolic syndrome, anesthetic management also has a number of features, both in organizational terms and in terms of management tactics in conditions of an increased risk of complications.

Kalit so'zlar

Key words: obesity; abdominal obesity; arterial hypertension; risk factors; children and teenagers


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