Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2023 №1
Maqola mavzusi
Yusupova A. Nargiza, Oripov S. Firdavs.
Samarkand State Medical University
Objective: Evaluation of functional changes in the stomach under the influence of energy drinks and the results of their correction with sesame oil Methods: The experiment was carried out on 43 three-month-old white male rats with a body weight of 130 ± 20 g. To obtain an experimental model, the animals of the 1st group were intragastrically injected with an energy drink (EN) "Gorilla" through a plastic tube for 4, 8, 12 weeks. Energy drink (EN) "Gorilla" was administered to animals of the 2nd group intragastrically for 4, 8, 12 weeks through a plastic tube, and after this period, sesame oil was administered to the experimental animals to correct the changes. After isolation, serum samples were stored in a refrigerator at -20°C until ELISA analysis. Laboratory studies of serum pepsenogens I and II, tumor marker CA-74-2 were carried out using special Russian-made kits for enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Results: The amount of PG1, PG2 decreased in 100% of the animals that consumed EN for 4 weeks. The level of changes in PG1 was 3.27-7.83 μg/l, and the level of changes in PG2 was observed in the range of 1.32-2.7 μg/l. The analysis showed that in the main group, the concentration of pepsinogens 1 and 2 was significantly reduced in rats that consumed EN for 8 and 12 weeks. In 100% of the rats treated with EN for 8 weeks, the PG1 level decreased to 3.6-5.3 μg/l, the PG2 level decreased to 1.32-2.15 μg/l, and even in 100% of the animals that consumed EN for 12 weeks. It was found that PG1 decreased compared to control animals and amounted to 1.84-4.6 μg/l, the level of PG2 was in the range of 0.79-1.76 μg/l. It was found that in experimental animals exposed to EN for 4 weeks and treated with sesame oil, the level of PG1 increased by 22%, the level of PG2 increased by 14%, and the ratio of PG1/PG2 increased by 5%. It was found that in experimental animals exposed to EN for 8 weeks, the level of PG1 increased by 28%, the level of PG2 - by 13%, and the ratio of PG1/PG2 - by 4%. It was found that in experimental animals exposed to EN for 12 weeks, the level of PG1 increased by 12%, the level of PG2 - by 15%, and the ratio of PG1/PG2 - by 2%. The concentration of the tumor marker did not exceed the reference values in 3-month-old rats under acute and subacute exposure to energy drinks. In the experimental group, during the 12-week period of exposure to EN, the concentration of №1 | 2023 138 CA74-2 in the blood of rats changed during a laboratory study, and in 1 (9%) case, the precursors of oncological disease disappeared. After the end of the administration of EN to experimental rats of the 2nd group for a specified period (4, 8, 12 weeks), positive changes were noted in the results of laboratory studies, shedding light on oncogenesis in the stomach in the blood when corrected with sesame oil. These changes were especially clearly observed in animals that consumed energy drinks for 12 weeks. Summary. 1. Due to the presence of many components in energy drinks and the fact that each ingredient has a side effect on the stomach, this indicates the need for certain restrictions on consumption. Thus, in this study, it was found that the energy drink "Gorilla" has a harmful effect on the gastric mucosa, especially when consumed chronically. 2. The components of sesame oil significantly reduce these effects. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action of sesame oil significantly reduces the changes resulting from the harmful effects of EN, which determines the effectiveness of this oil for the body.
Kalit so'zlar
enzyme immunoassay; pepsinogen, blood serum; rat; stomach
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