Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №1

Maqola mavzusi



KAMALOV Anvar Ibragimovich AGABABYAN Larisa Rubenovna


Samarkand State Medical Institute


Maternal mortality is an integrated indicator not only of the state of women's reproductive health, but also reflects the quality of medical care, its organization and provision. Obstetric bleeding continues to be one of the main causes of adverse birth outcomes. In recent years, special attention has been paid to the prevention of bleeding, the identification of risk groups for their occurrence. Protocols and clinical recommendations have been developed that reflect modern ideas about the pathogenesis, diagnosis and methods of treatment of this pathology. There is still the urgency of developing both conservative and operative methods of stopping bleeding in the early postpartum period. During the period of socio-economic changes taking place in Uzbekistan, issues of maternal and child health occupy one of the main places in the country's social policy.

Kalit so'zlar

Key words: cesarean section, postpartum bleeding, prevention, timing, blood loss, massive bleeding.


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