Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Maqola mavzusi



Mardieva M. Gulshod, Ashurov N. Jaxongir


Samarkand State Medical University


Objective: To study the features of X-ray semiotics in pneumonia in newborns, depending on the gestational age at birth. Material and methods: A clinical and radiological examination of 71 newborns with pneumonia was carried out. Plain chest radiography was carried out on the apparatus brand KX050F - "Toshiba" (Japan). Results: In the group of full-term newborns without signs of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) with pneumonia, the changes characteristic mainly for the I degree of severity of the respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) prevailed, namely, miliary spotting, limited low-intensity inhomogeneous blackouts, blurry nodose-reticular mesh, distinguishable "air bronchogram". In fullterm newborns with signs of IUGR, changes characteristic of I and II degrees of SDR severity prevailed in equal proportions, i.e. decreased pneumatization, coarse randomly scattered areas of lung tissue compaction and "air bronchograms". In premature newborns, depending on the depth of prematurity, and possibly due to a short-term clinically asymptomatic onset, at admission, in most cases, II and III severity of SDR were noted: a pronounced decrease in pneumatization ("ground glass"), smoothing of the pulmonary-diaphragmatic and pulmonary-cardiac borders (positive "silhouette" symptom), air bronchograms. Conclusions. The distribution of children according to clinical and radiological signs depends on gestational age, and atelectatic pneumonia is most often recorded in premature babies against the background of morphofunctional immaturity of the lungs. The deeper the prematurity, the more pronounced the influence of immature lung tissue on the occurrence and course of the inflammatory process in the lungs, and the inflammatory process becomes rapid, spreading to a large area of the lungs.

Kalit so'zlar

newborn, pneumonia, respiratory distress syndrome, radiography.


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