PBIM (135) № 2 2022

Тема статьи



Khayitov Alisher Adkhamovich, Nasretdinova Makhzuna Takhsinovna, Abdiev Elbek Muradkosimovich


Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand


In 79 normally hearing and in 328 patients with peripheral and central hearing impairment, the reverse adaptation time (RAT) was measured after 2-minute stimulation with a tone of 2000 Hz and 60 dB intensity above the threshold of hearing at the same frequency. It was shown that in patients with peripheral lesions of the sound-receiving apparatus, the value of the RAT did not differ from the norm. It was found that in patients with local brain lesions, the RAT increased sharply with damage to the brain stem and diencephalic structures, as well as in cases where the existing lesion could affect these structures (cerebellopontine angle). This test is proposed to be used in the general complex of otoneurological diagnostics of local brain lesions.

Ключевые слова

sensorineural hearing loss, audiometry, diencephalic structures, cerebellopontine angle.


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