Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2024 №2 (152)

Тема статьи



Goyibov Salim Saidullaevich, Nematullaev Tukhtasin Komiljonovich


Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand


Objective: This study aimed to explore the effects of subarachnoid blockade on the QTc interval among diabetic and non-diabetic patients, considering the known impact of spinal anesthesia and autonomic neuropathy on QTc prolongation. Background: Both spinal anesthesia and autonomic neuropathy, commonly seen in diabetes, are associated with QTc interval prolongation. However, the specific influence of subarachnoid blockade on QTc duration in diabetic individuals has yet to be thoroughly examined. We hypothesized that diabetic patients would exhibit greater QTc prolongation following subarachnoid blockade compared to their non-diabetic counterparts. Methods: In this prospective observational study, conducted at a tertiary university hospital and registered with the Clinical Research Information Service (identifier: KCT0004897), 48 participants were divided into two groups: those with diabetes mellitus (DM group, n=24) and those without (control group, n=24). All subjects were undergoing spinal anesthesia. Measurements of the QTc interval, T wave peak-to-end interval (Tp-e interval), heart rate variability, blood pressure, and heart rate were recorded at baseline (T1) and at 1 (T2), 5 (T3), and 10 minutes (T4) post-subarachnoid blockade. Results: Significant prolongation of the QTc interval was observed in the DM group at 10 minutes post-blockade compared to their baseline values, whereas the QTc interval changes in the control group were not statistically significant (p<0.0001 for the DM group vs. p=0.06 for the control group). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that patients with diabetes experience a more pronounced prolongation of the QTc interval following spinal anesthesia compared to non-diabetic patients. These results underscore the importance of monitoring cardiac electrical activity in diabetic patients undergoing subarachnoid blockade.

Ключевые слова

Corrected QT Interval, Diabetes Mellitus, Long QT Syndrome, Spinal Anesthesia, Subarachnoid Blockade.


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