ПБиМ 2023 №3,1 (145)

Тема статьи



Uzakova Gavkhar Zakirovna


Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand


In recent years, in the clinical course of erysipelas, severe forms with a predominance of intoxication syndrome are becoming more frequent, complications are increasing, the number of patients with recurrent and hemorrhagic forms in the clinic of the disease is increasing, and the disease is getting younger. According to the analysis, in recent years there has been a majority of bullous and hemorrhagic forms of erysipelas. In recent years, cases of a recurrent form of the disease have become more frequent (43.3%). The disease is often observed in men of working age (66.6%). Antibacterial therapy is important in the etiopathogenetic approach to the treatment of erysipelas. Currently, the treatment regimens used in the treatment of erysipelas are insufficient both for the regression of clinical symptoms in the acute period of the disease and for the prevention of its relapse, which forces researchers to look for new methods of treatment, including the use of antibiotics in combination with immunocorrectors in the treatment of the disease. Scientific and practical research aimed at studying the characteristics of the development of diseases, improving the effectiveness of treating patients, improving diagnostic methods, and preventing relapses of the disease are of great importance.

Ключевые слова

erysipelas, treatment, antibiotic, recurrence, diseases.


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