ПБиМ 2023 №3,1 (145)

Тема статьи



Rustamova L.I.1, Tadjieva N.U.2, Kuliyeva Z.M.3, Ibadova T.I.3


1 - Research Institute of Medical Prevention named after V.Y.Akhundov, Baku, Azerbaijan 2 - Republican Scientific Practical Medical Center of Epidemiology, Microbiology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 3 - Azerbaijan State İnstitute of Training of Doctors named after A.Aıiyev, Baku, Azerbaijan


This article is devoted to the epidemiological prognosis of infection caused by non-polioenterovirus coxsackievirus group b in the child population of Azerbaijan in 2015-2024.

Ключевые слова

non-polioenteroviruses, Coxsackie virus group B, epidemiological prediction, children.


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