ПБиМ 2023 №1 (142)

Тема статьи



Abdashimov Z.B., Khodzhibekova Yu.M., Yunusova L.R.


Samarkand State Medical University, Tashkent State Dental Institute


Over the past 30 years, the use of radiopaque agents (RCS) has significantly increased during urography, angiography, computed tomography and surgical procedures. About 60 million doses of RCS are used annually in the world, but despite the use of newer and less nephrotoxic drugs, the risk of contrastinduced nephropathy (CIN) remains significant, especially among patients with previous renal impairment. Contrast-induced nephropathy is a serious cause of acute kidney injury and is an urgent problem in clinical practice. To date, there are contradictions in the understanding of many aspects of KIN.However, the current situation with the use of contrast agents in patients with COVID-19 and causing KIN has become an urgent issue for clinicians and radiologists.

Ключевые слова

contrast-induced nephropathy, radiopaque agents, COVID-19.


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