ПБиМ 2023 №1 (142)

Тема статьи



Elmuradov G.K., Khursanov E.E., Shukurov B.I., Pulatov M.M.


Samarkand State Medical University, Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care


To study the diagnostic effectiveness of ultrasound in detecting signs of damage to the abdominal organs and to provide a detailed description of ultrasound semiotics of closed abdominal trauma).Ultrasound was performed in 160 patients with a closed abdominal injury as an initial method for diagnosing intra-abdominal injuries and was per-formed in the emergency department immediately upon admission of the patient to the clinic. The main criteria for inclu-sion of patients in the study were age 18 years and older, as well as stable hemodynamic parameters (AD sist. ≥ 90 mm Hg) by the time the surgery begins.Among the diverse sonographic semiotics of intra-abdominal injuries in PTA, the most common ultrasound signs are the presence of different volumes of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. The sensitivity, speci-ficity and accuracy of ultrasound in detecting free fluid in the abdominal cavity is quite high and amounts to 88.3, 87.8 and 88.1%, respectively. The highest relative risk (RR) was typical for the volume of free fluid in the abdominal cavity of more than 500 ml, when the probability of serious intra-abdominal damage (EER) is 93.5%, the relative risk value is 4,862 units.. (95%CI 3,074-7,692).The developed method of ultrasound assessment and volume of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, based on taking into account the thickness of the fluid layer and its prevalence in the abdominal cavity, does not complicate or lengthen the FAST protocol procedure, and allows us to determine critical hemoperitoneum vol-umes that are crucial in choosing the tactics of surgical treatment of CAI.

Ключевые слова

Cloused abdominal trauma, ultrasound, laparoscopy


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