ПБиМ 2023 №1 (142)

Тема статьи



Bobomurodova M.H., Djurabekova A.T.


Samarkand State Medical University


Analysis of the results of the study revealed certain features of FNN in children: by age, frequent lesions were identified in children older than 7 years; the severity depends on risk factors and the pathomechanism resulting from it, in particular, an unfavorable perinatal background; characteristic is the lesion of the lower part of the fallopigo canal; the difficulty of diagnosing FNN in children is solved by involving specialists from neurosurgeons, otolaryngologists, dentists, endocrinologists, etc.; An additional effective method for studying FNN was marked by ENMG analysis in the dy-namics of the therapy.

Ключевые слова

children, neuropathy of the facial nerve, MRI, ENMG, treatment


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