Kardiorespirator tadqiqotlar jurnali. Maxsus son. 2022

Тема статьи



Ibragimov K.I., Sultonov I.I., Ziyadullayev Sh.X.


Samarkand State Medical University


Study objectives. This study examines possible associations between cardiovascular disease and the utilization of conventional DMARDs in patients with RA. Materials and methods. Using a case-control study design, 246 patients with RA (82 with CVD and 164 without CVD) were studied. Data on RA, CVD, and DMARDs therapy were assessed from the verified medical history data. Results and discussion. MTX treatment showed an association with a significant reduction in CVD risk: “MTX only”, OR 0.18 (95% CI 0.09-0.74); "MTX and SSZ ever", OR 0.22 (95% CI 0.12-0.53). After additional correction, the risk reductions with the treatment remained significant for rheumatoid factor presence. While adjusting for diabetes, hypertension and high blood cholesterol level, only “MTX or SSZ” group showed a significant reduction in CVD risk. Rheumatoid factor significantly increased CVD risk, with an OR of 2.47 (95% CI 1.21 to 5.88). Conclusions. This study suggests that the use of DMARD, in particular the use of MTX, results in potent suppression of joint inflammation. It also can reduce the development of atherosclerosis and associated CVDs.

Ключевые слова

RA, CVD, risk, DMARD, case-control, methotrexate


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